The following IDA shots are taken from XP-SP2's kernel32!WinExec:
So if CreateProcessInternalA(..) fails, the code compares lpCmdLine parameter with hardcoded string "hypertrm.exe\"". Notice EBX now points to the string "hypertrm.exe".
.. and finally "hypertrm.exe" is executed in a second call to CreateProcessInternalA(..), notice EBX is pushed as the command line parameter which points to the corrected string "hypertrm.exe".
Finally, the test!
GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", szEnvPath, sizeof(szEnvPath) - 1); _snprintf(szNewEnvPath, sizeof(szNewEnvPath) - 1, "%s;C:\\Program Files\\Windows NT", szEnvPath); SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", szNewEnvPath); WinExec("hypertrm.exe\"", 0);